"Theodora y Callum es la última colaboración entre Stefani Greenfield y Desiree Gruber.
Nacida de un amor por recolectar las cosas bellas de todo el mundo, Theodora y Callum es una línea de accesorios basada en pañuelos, joyas, zapatos y bolsos inspirados en sus viajes. Inspirándose en Marruecos, Bali, Turquía, India y el Mediterráneo, así como en la mentalidad de bon vivant del jet-set europeo de finales de los años 60 y principios de los 70, cada estilo se siente como si se hubiera descubierto en una localidad lejana."
Me encanta que "las bufandas sean tan versátiles que se pueden usar tanto en el cuerpo, como tirado sobre una mesa, o enmarcado en una pared."
"Theodora & Callum is the latest collaboration between Stefani Greenfield and Desiree Gruber.
Born out of a love for collecting beautiful things from all over the world, Theodora & Callum is an accessories-based line featuring scarves, jewelry, shoes and bags inspired by their travels. Drawing inspiration from Morocco, Bali, Turkey, India and the Mediterranean as well as the bon vivant mentality of the late 60’s and early 70’s European jet-set, each style feels as if it has been discovered in a far-off locale."
I love that "the scarves are as versatile worn on the body, draped over a table, or framed on a wall."
Born out of a love for collecting beautiful things from all over the world, Theodora & Callum is an accessories-based line featuring scarves, jewelry, shoes and bags inspired by their travels. Drawing inspiration from Morocco, Bali, Turkey, India and the Mediterranean as well as the bon vivant mentality of the late 60’s and early 70’s European jet-set, each style feels as if it has been discovered in a far-off locale."
I love that "the scarves are as versatile worn on the body, draped over a table, or framed on a wall."
Theodora and Callum, pañuelos y accesorios.
Sitio web: http://www.theodoraandcallum.com/
Theodora and Callum, scarves and accessories.
Web site: http://www.theodoraandcallum.com/
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