Esta estética se basa en la combinación de dos estilos bien diferentes: el lujoso y el rústico. De esta manera, objetos y modos de uso opuestos, concluyen en un nuevo estilo que trae lo mejor de dos mundos para apropiárselo y darle un nuevo significado único.
Una de las claves está en la mezcla de texturas. Un claro ejemplo son las opulentas arañas de cristal coronando las viejas y descascaradas mesas de madera, o el frio y brillante metal contraponiéndose con la madera porosa y añeja. Otra clave es elegir objetos muy representativos de cada uno de los mundos, y fusionarlos en un mismo espacio. Por ejemplo: sillones luis XV con sillas minimalistas, monocromáticas y de lineas limpias; o alfombras de piel sobre pisos de madera sin barnizar. Por último, también resaltan los objetos puramente lujosos adaptados a una composición del espacio moderna y rústica, como por ejemplo grandes marcos de bronce sacados de contexto y apoyados sobre una pared, esculturas de yeso en el piso de madera cruda, estampas blancas y negras o detalles animal-print, sobre un fondo de ladrillos viejos.
This aesthetic is based on a combination of two very different styles: luxurious and rustic. This is how opposite objects and applications conclude in a new style that brings the best of both worlds to appropriate and resignify it.
One of the keys to this style is in the mixture of textures. A clear example is the opulent cristal chandeliers, crowning old chipped wooden tables; or the cold, shiny metal contrasting the porous and stale wood. Another key is to choose objects that are very representative of each of the worlds, and merge them in the same space. For example, Louis XV armchairs mixed with minimalist, clean-lined and monochrome chairs, or fur rugs on hardwood uncoated floors. Finally, another thing that stands out on this kind of aesthetic, are purely luxurious objects adapted to a modern and rustic space layout, such as: large bronze frames taken out of context and simply leaning on a wall, plaster sculptures on the raw-wood floor, black and white prints or animal-print details on an old-brick background."
One of the keys to this style is in the mixture of textures. A clear example is the opulent cristal chandeliers, crowning old chipped wooden tables; or the cold, shiny metal contrasting the porous and stale wood. Another key is to choose objects that are very representative of each of the worlds, and merge them in the same space. For example, Louis XV armchairs mixed with minimalist, clean-lined and monochrome chairs, or fur rugs on hardwood uncoated floors. Finally, another thing that stands out on this kind of aesthetic, are purely luxurious objects adapted to a modern and rustic space layout, such as: large bronze frames taken out of context and simply leaning on a wall, plaster sculptures on the raw-wood floor, black and white prints or animal-print details on an old-brick background."
Imágenes via: the house home
Images via: the house home
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