Hola, soy Burkha, una diseñadora gráfica freelance dedicada a brindar soluciones gráficas y web a tu negocio.
Mi metodología de trabajo está guiada por ideas creativas y funcionales, destinadas a satisfacer las necesidades del cliente. Partiendo de un asesoramiento personalizado, se irá dando forma a tus conceptos para convertirlos en mensajes claros y concisos que causen el impacto deseado.
Creo que en la variedad se encuentra la diferencia, y en el riesgo la oportunidad y el éxito. Me declaro partidaria de la constante búsqueda de combinaciones diferentes, ya que esto lleva a resultados únicos e impredecibles, los cuales aplico únicamente dentro de la estética de la simplicidad.
Para conocer un poco mas sobre mi trabajo, aqui podrás realizar un recorrido por mi portfolio.
Que lo disfrutes!
No dudes en hacer tu consulta: burkha.dg@gmail.com
Hi, I'm Burkha, a freelance graphic designer dedicated to providing graphic and web solutions to your business.
Hi, I'm Burkha, a freelance graphic designer dedicated to providing graphic and web solutions to your business.
My work method is driven by creative and functional ideas, designed to meet customer needs. From a personal consultation, I will give shape to your ideas and concepts to turn them into clear and concise messages that cause the desired impact.
I believe that variety is the difference, and risk the opportunity and success. I plead in favor of the constant search for different combinations, as this leads to unique and unpredictable results, which I apply only within the aesthetic of simplicity.
To learn more about my work, here you can take a tour through my portfolio.
I believe that variety is the difference, and risk the opportunity and success. I plead in favor of the constant search for different combinations, as this leads to unique and unpredictable results, which I apply only within the aesthetic of simplicity.
To learn more about my work, here you can take a tour through my portfolio.